223 research outputs found

    Boosting Linearly-Homomorphic Encryption to Evaluate Degree-2 Functions on Encrypted Data

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    We show a technique to transform a linearly-homomorphic encryption into a homomorphic encryption scheme capable of evaluating degree-2 computations on ciphertexts. Our transformation is surprisingly simple and requires only one very mild property on the underlying linearly-homomorphic scheme: the message space must be a public ring in which it is possible to sample elements uniformly at random. This essentially allows us to instantiate our transformation with virtually all existing number-theoretic linearly-homomorphic schemes, such as Goldwasser-Micali, Paillier, or ElGamal. Our resulting schemes achieve circuit privacy and are compact when considering a subclass of degree-2 polynomials in which the number of additions of degree-2 terms is bounded by a constant. As an additional contribution we extend our technique to build a protocol for outsourcing computation on encrypted data using two (non-communicating) servers. Somewhat interestingly, in this case we can boost a linearly-homomorphic scheme to support the evaluation of any degree-2 polynomial while achieving full compactness

    Additive-Homomorphic Functional Commitments and Applications to Homomorphic Signatures

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    Functional Commitments (FC) allow one to reveal functions of committed data in a succinct and verifiable way. In this paper we put forward the notion of additive-homomorphic FC and show two efficient, pairing-based, realizations of this primitive supporting multivariate polynomials of constant degree and monotone span programs, respectively. We also show applications of the new primitive in the contexts of homomorphic signatures: we show that additive-homomorphic FCs can be used to realize homomorphic signatures (supporting the same class of functionalities as the underlying FC) in a simple and elegant way. Using our new FCs as underlying building blocks, this leads to the (seemingly) first expressive realizations of multi-input homomorphic signatures not relying on lattices or multilinear maps

    Adaptively Secure Single Secret Leader Election from DDH

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    Single Secret Leader Election protocols (SSLE, for short) allow a group of users to select a random leader so that the latter remains secret until she decides to reveal herself. Thanks to this feature, SSLE can be used to build an election mechanism for proof-of-stake based blockchains. In particular, a recent work by Azouvi and Cappelletti (ACM AFT 2021) shows that in comparison to probabilistic leader election methods, SSLE-based proof-of-stake blockchains have significant security gains, both with respect to grinding attacks and with respect to the private attack. Yet, as of today, very few concrete constructions of SSLE are known. In particular, all existing protocols are only secure in a model where the adversary is supposed to corrupt participants before the protocol starts -- an assumption that clashes with the highly dynamic nature of decentralized blockchain protocols. In this paper we make progress in the study of SSLE by proposing new efficient constructions that achieve stronger security guarantees than previous work. In particular, we propose the first SSLE protocol that achieves adaptive security. Our scheme is proven secure in the universal composability model and achieves efficiency comparable to previous, less secure, realizations in the state of the art

    On the Security Notions for Homomorphic Signatures

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    Homomorphic signature schemes allow anyone to perform computation on signed data in such a way that the correctness of computation’s results is publicly certified. In this work we analyze the security notions for this powerful primitive considered in previous work, with a special focus on adaptive security. Motivated by the complications of existing security models in the adaptive setting, we consider a simpler and (at the same time) stronger security definition inspired to that proposed by Gennaro and Wichs (ASIACRYPT’13) for homomorphic MACs. In addition to strength and simplicity, this definition has the advantage to enable the adoption of homomorphic signatures in dynamic data outsourcing scenarios, such as delegation of computation on data streams. Then, since no existing homomorphic signature satisfies this stronger notion, our main technical contribution are general compilers which turn a homomorphic signature scheme secure under a weak definition into one secure under the new stronger notion. Our compilers are totally generic with respect to the underlying scheme. Moreover, they preserve two important properties of homomorphic signatures: context-hiding (i.e. signatures on computation’s output do not reveal information about the input) and efficient verification (i.e. verifying a signature against a program P can be made faster, in an amortized, asymptotic sense, than recomputing P from scratch)

    Practical Functional Encryption for Bilinear Forms

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    We present a practically efficient functional encryption scheme for the class of functionalities that can be expressed via bilinear forms over the integers. Bilinear forms are a general class of quadratic functions that includes, for instance, multivariate quadratic polynomials. Our realization works over asymmetric bilinear groups and is surprisingly simple, efficient and easy to implement. For instance, in our scheme the public key and each ciphertext consist of 2n+12n+1 and 4n+24n+2 group elements respectively, where nn is the dimension of the encrypted vectors, while secret keys are only two group elements. The scheme is proved secure under the standard (adaptive) indistinguishability based security notion of Boneh, Sahai and Waters (TCC 2011). The proof is rather convoluted and relies on the so-called generic bilinear group model. Specifically, our proof comes in two main stages. In a preliminary step, we put forward and prove a new master theorem to argue hardness in the generic bilinear group model of a broad family of interactive decisional problems, which includes the indistinguishability-based security game for our functional encryption scheme. Next, the more technically involved part of the proof consists in showing that our scheme actually fits the requirements of our master theorem

    On the Impossibility of Algebraic Vector Commitments in Pairing-Free Groups

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    Vector Commitments allow one to (concisely) commit to a vector of messages so that one can later (concisely) open the commitment at selected locations. In the state of the art of vector commitments, algebraic constructions have emerged as a particularly useful class, as they enable advanced properties, such as stateless updates, subvector openings and aggregation, that are for example unknown in Merkle-tree-based schemes. In spite of their popularity, algebraic vector commitments remain poorly understood objects. In particular, no construction in standard prime order groups (without pairing) is known. In this paper, we shed light on this state of affairs by showing that a large class of concise algebraic vector commitments in pairing-free, prime order groups are impossible to realize. Our results also preclude any cryptographic primitive that implies the algebraic vector commitments we rule out, as special cases. This means that we also show the impossibility, for instance, of succinct polynomial commitments and functional commitments (for all classes of functions including linear forms) in pairing-free groups of prime order

    Output privacy in secure multiparty computation

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    Abstract. In secure multiparty computation, a set of mutually mistrusting players engage in a protocol to compute an arbitrary, publicly known polynomial-sized function of the party’s private inputs, in a way that does not reveal (to an adversary controlling some of the players) any knowledge about the remaining inputs, beyond what can be deduced from the obtained output(s). Since its introduction by Yao [39], and Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson [29], this powerful paradigm has received a lot of attention. All throughout, however, very little attention has been given to the privacy of the players ’ outputs. Yet, disclosure of (part of) the output(s) may have serious consequences for the overall security of the application e.g., when the computed output is a secret key; or when the evaluation of the function is part of a larger computation, so that the function’s output(s) will be used as input(s) in the next phase. In this work, we define the notion of private-output multiparty computation. This newly revised notion encompasses (as a particular case) the classical definition and allows a set of players to jointly compute the output of a common function in such a way that the execution of the protocol reveals no information (to an adversary controlling some of the players) about (some part of) the outputs (other than what follows from the description of the function itself). Next, we formall

    Chainable Functional Commitments for Unbounded-Depth Circuits

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    A functional commitment (FC) scheme allows one to commit to a vector x⃗\vec{x} and later produce a short opening proof of (f,f(x⃗))(f, f(\vec{x})) for any admissible function ff. Since their inception, FC schemes supporting ever more expressive classes of functions have been proposed. In this work, we introduce a novel primitive that we call chainable functional commitment (CFC), which extends the functionality of FCs by allowing one to 1) open to functions of multiple inputs f(x⃗1,…,x⃗m)f(\vec x_1, \ldots, \vec x_m) that are committed independently, 2) while preserving the output also in committed form. We show that CFCs for quadratic polynomial maps generically imply FCs for circuits. Then, we efficiently realize CFCs for quadratic polynomials over pairing groups and lattices, resulting in the first FC schemes for circuits of unbounded depth based on either pairing-based or lattice-based falsifiable assumptions. Our FCs require fixing a-priori only the maximal width of the circuit to be evaluated, and have opening proofs whose size only depends on the depth of the circuit. Additionally, our FCs feature other nice properties such as being additively homomorphic and supporting sublinear-time verification after offline preprocessing. Using a recent transformation that constructs homomorphic signatures (HS) from FCs, we obtain the first pairing- and lattice-based realisations of HS for bounded-width, but unbounded-depth, circuits. Prior to this work, the only HS for general circuits is lattice-based and requires bounding the circuit depth at setup time
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